Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Neurologist visit

Today was the day I finally got in to see my wonderful doctor (yes there is sarcasim in that )I took an hour to be heard :)) 8 of my 10 fingers are numb to start...she thinks when fwll Ipusd ed my tendons back and now have carpel tunnel so I will bewearing splints for two weeks and if that doesn't help I will need to see a wrist specialist..next my walki ng the left side is a lot weaker and hurts, she thinks it is sort of like my wrist but in my kneeeeeee so while sitting I am not to put pressure on my leg

She does not think anything is spinal cord tumor related.. i also got a stronger pain medicine..

that's about all
thanks to all those who pray for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas Pixs

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Here are some professional pictures. Unfortunately,
Heather and Josh were in New Jersey that weekend.

laser treatment

My laser treatment went smoothly on Wednesday he thinks he got a lot of the blood but we will see in two weeks what my eye looks like. My eye was noy too dry since we use more lube and gel instead of myself constantly putting drops in. I have not been seeing that much better but I do notice less blood floating around which is a good sign!!!!!!!!!!
I am now going to try to post some Christmas pixs!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm terrible at thi s blogging thing

Yep, another few weekshave slipped me by. Mostly there has just not been anything new or interesting to report and
I am not even sure people read this since I am so scattered in writting posts. The New Year has started off very rough for me, my scan showed nothing new or changed which is the opposite of what everyone on my medical case ( neurologist, her nurse, my parents and myself) were expecing and wanting. Basically I am kind of doomed with nothing being able to be done for me without making it all even worse. I can only walk solo while downstairs at my house and am wheelchair depentant for long walking or outings. It has become very depressing for me lately with basically only parent and sister and a few emails worth of support.
I will be undergoing my second laser treatment on my eye tomorrow but since one hand of fingers are numb I have been unable to do my own eye drops so it will be interesting t o see how my eye looks, we try to do more lube and gel (thicker drops)
please pray for me and my family!