Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All done with rehab!!!

I am officially a free women!

yesterday was the end of my 4 plus months of rehab it was a little sad though because i became close to a lot of people there. After my three months of out-patient therapy i am now walking on level ground with short walks by myself and all other walks except the stores holding on to my parents arm. one of my last therapy sessions was at Target, i had to walk pushing a cart and find the items on my list \finding items i had help/ but that won't happen again any time soon because 30 minutes knocked me out for three days!

my 3 month doctor check up went very well, he doesn't think my breathing troubles are from surgery or my C2 tumor which is super great news!! no tumor growth where i had my surgery and the upper spine looked better.

my parents and i fly out in the morning to Florida to relax and celebrate!!

i hope to post some pictures and post more often now that time for play is back

i will see some of you on facebook, now that i understand it more!
have a great rest of your week everyone!