Friday, July 29, 2011

important doctor appointments

well, i know I am offically the worst blogger alive! i just don't usually have anything to post on a daily basis. But I've got two pretty importnt doctor appointmkents in mid August that I'd like to ask for stedfest prayers for. the first one is August 9 at 9am. this appointment is with a breathing specialist to check my O2 levels while I walk, I also must have another sleep study to see if my apnea is worse the same or better! i am supposed to sleep withu a cpap machine because I quit breathingt pretty frequently while I sleep, but about 4 months ago, the air gong into my hest stated causing me pain where I huad surgery a long time ago in my esophagus, it feels likle my esophagus moves, very painful, hopefully my weight loss has made that tad better but with my wt loss comes the mask issues, I am really pete in my face, of all the pepolple in the world wheyeso need cpaps they don't have any small enough to fit my face without le1 my aking into my eyes! My breathing while i walk is better though at lesst to me it feels that way! my biggest fear has always been the vent, i am so sscared that since I can not use the mask or tolerate the air flow in my esophagus that she is going to tell me i must get a trach and use a vent, this is my worst nightmare coming true to fast! I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE ON A VENT! please pray she has some kind of magic and figures out a way to help me first by trying everything possible without doing a trach/vent!

On august 12 i finally am getting into the pain specialist PTL! my pin has become even more unbearable, it's become so bad in two different places, one is where they keep wanting to do surgery the other is where they thought shots, so i amhoping aginst hope theycan do some shots ASAP and in both locations just not one! my kids viosited for a week, the pain from being so active I was about to call the surgeon to schedule surgery, it was nasty! in fact I've been on the computer for a whole hour today riught now and my pain is horrendous, so this will be cut short i am afraid!

please just pray for these appointments, I'd like to ask you all to pray for some wonderful miracle to happen, a pastor friend of mine says miracles are a wonderful thing to ask for, we just never know the way God is going to work His miracles. My hope in a miracle is that I can learn a way to make my pain tolerable again. that my breathing can be better since I have lost the 20 excessive pounds!

please pray for my family too, we are in this together, even if I get my prayers answered there is still a lot of stress on those who have to watch a person suffer!

much love all!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

MRI Neurosurgeon visit

well i got some good news for once! not going to schedule surgery quite yet!

I've got two locations that hurt pretty badly. the tumor at T2 and a tumor that is on T6-T8 the T6-8 is causing me more pain than the t2 tumor at this time. I've got a nasty ache pain all over my mid spine into my ribs and stomach and hip on the right aide of my body. He is going to get me into a pain management doctor hopefully soon. my next step will be trying an injection into my spine i believe that is to help with my pain levels. I had no damage from falling hard on my back a week ago nor had any new tumor growth visiable in the MRI but swelling does not show up in MRI'S!

We are all super relieved at this point i do not need surgery yet, but the doctor thinks i should do the surgery sooner rather than later. the concern with surgery is that my breathing will be so bad that I will have trouble getting off the breathing tube from surgery and end up needing a trachea with a vent and I don't want to live that way!

please keep praying that this little injection helps my pain it is becoming unbearable!

thanks everyone for praying and sending positive thoughts!

much love