Thursday, September 1, 2011

latest update (September 1, 2011)

well the greatest news for this week is my cousin Brooke successfully had a baby boy Blake Emmerson Huber.

I think I am going to start a caringbridge web site for medical updates my goal is to teacg my mom how to do the posting for when I am in thwe hospital or having a surgery nest time.

I'd like to report that Kendra Springs is home again now!

her family used caringbridge and I think it is an awesomr news gadget for those sick and their family or friends to keep updated and can make commentw in the persons questbooks!

I'm still dealing with to much pain, and the pain doctor has not returned our calls in thee weeks worth of tries. My pain seems to be higher now the shots andother things makde it less painful abour 2 weeks, i also noticed around my ovulation and periods i hurt worse in my side

Well this is short but I need to go ly down.. please continue to pray for me and my family as well as Kendea Springs and her family, she may need to undergo a bone marrow transplant to make sure all the cancer is gone but first she meeds to gain more of her strength back, they ised a different chemo in NYC than what she has recieved since her cancer was discovered in April here in Indianapolis and she's been dealing with nasty fatique and nausea she can't keep food down at all.

take care everyone! please post or email me at if you'd ;like anymore information or would just like to write to say hello!