Thursday, December 4, 2008

Missing in Action

since I last wrote (one whole week ago) is my laptop is really busted and we are trying to find the cheapest and fastest way to get it working again. T he good ol geeks at Best Buy wanted $450 to fix if it is the hard drive. The man who ordered it for me a year ago
offered to work on it but he is not sure when I'd get it back because he is really busy.
My cousin offered to work on it.over Christmas but I need it sooner. obviously i can't work with m my professor on campus without it.. but there has been a change in the web site getting up, it maybe will not be up until May, I need to learn how something works with those who are blind and Sally's spring semester class will tech me
My pain in my back is almost gone now, it only hurts in my back when I walk, and it's still hard to walk but at least when I am sitting or laying i don't feel the pain
i was wrong in last weeks post about my eye appointment being this week and possibly hearing about the surgery, next Wednesday will be my three week checkup so it goes well I think I will get things worked out for my surgery but I won't make it before my birthday

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