Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Neurologist visit

Today was the day I finally got in to see my wonderful doctor (yes there is sarcasim in that )I took an hour to be heard :)) 8 of my 10 fingers are numb to start...she thinks when fwll Ipusd ed my tendons back and now have carpel tunnel so I will bewearing splints for two weeks and if that doesn't help I will need to see a wrist specialist..next my walki ng the left side is a lot weaker and hurts, she thinks it is sort of like my wrist but in my kneeeeeee so while sitting I am not to put pressure on my leg

She does not think anything is spinal cord tumor related.. i also got a stronger pain medicine..

that's about all
thanks to all those who pray for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sally said...

I am glad that you saw your doctor, but I am confused with what the doctor says.
I will be gone next week visiting my mom in California. I would be happy to meet the the week your mom is back in town. Just let me know when is convenient. School just started and I have a good group of students.
Ella dressed as a ballerina today. She still sleeps with her Panda bear. Now that it is cold, she asks me to lay in her bed to help warm it up when she goes to sleep.
Say hello to your mom and dad. I was so happy to finally meet your day. I think they are both wonderful- and you the wonderful!

Gina Miller said...


I am so happy to see that you are keeping a blog. I am truely going to miss seeing patients like you and your mom. I am glad that I can continue to get updates on your progress via your blog. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. If you ever need anything, your mom has my new number. I am always here to help in anyway that I can.

Gina Miller
IU Eye Care

Unknown said...

Hey Amber - I was just thinking about you and thought I would email you for an update and then I remembered your blog. I am so glad you are doing this so I can keep current with what is going on in your life. I'm sorry to hear you are having so much pain! I hope they can resolve that for you soon. Keep the updates coming. Miss you.

Missy said...

Amber you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. Not just you, but your entire family. I hope you are doing well this week. Adam and I are doing well. He had a snow day this week and I have an interview on Thursday. I'll keep you posted on if I get the job or not.
