Monday, May 18, 2009

outpatient therapy and life of Amber update

I can not even begin to express the joys of the past month, WOW!

I have just started an 8 week 6 hour a week therapy session and wow how much I improve each week..

When I entered RHI back in the first week of March, I had hardly any movement in my left arm or leg, 2 weeks of intense 18 hours of OT AND PT brought back a lot of nerves in both my arm and leg that when I was discharged at the end of the month I could walk with a walker for short distances, I think my last walk then was 600 feet with the help of a walker . I could move my arm more than everyone thought I would since my doctor could not promise my arm would ever move again.. I owe A LOT of thanks to my in patient therapist Bill, Kristy and Angie for knowing what to forward 7 weeks of out patient therapy I am now walking short distances with just the hold of my support belt, doing 60lbs leg presses and taking 1000 steps in 10 minutes on a sit down stairmaster \which I am in love with but they cost 1,300 dollars.

My arm can almost be stretched straight back, I can reach my head and give high fives. I even got the joys of a good laugh boxing like they do on the Biggest Loser but I was sitting down but it was still great.

i started walking by myself in my house when i am not too tired! Thanks to my out patient therapist TINNETTE, kENDRA AND aARRON

it has been awhile since i have given an update on my eye so i will share a bit about that a month ago i had another laser treatment and had a check up last week as of right now my eye is not bleedng but i stillhave a little blood sitting around so we willbe watching it over the summer to make sure it does not start bleeding again but if it doesn't start again we can proceed with the cornea transplant my vision is still worsening though because my cataract keeps growing but the doctor would remove that as well

my spiritual life is growing as well thanks to Pastor Dan and his church, this is something i have wanted to settle since the events of how my first church experience turned out

Crestview Christian Church is a friendly, Godly place that has many opportunitis for me to help out there once i am back on my feet which is in return giving me a reason to work harder

thanks Pastor Dan!

Monday, May 11, 2009

my adventure week

this past week I took tri by myself to my oldest sister Crystal's house while my parents flew out to Orlando to get my grandparents car but thy then decided to go to the beach for part of the days they aid they needed a vacatuiin from t past 6 month exprience. I was wishy washy on going to my sisters becuse she already has Madison who neds my sister to move around and feed and in a welchair plus an energetic 3 yar old. I knew it woud be hard to do anything with two of us in heelchairs I expected we wodn' be able to do much. I know it wipws ot my sister but he never complained .m M parents rely needed the ime away o we all mae sacrafics

I definately have more appreiation for my sister and paet which my mom now says is one reason she wanted to o away. THANKS CRYSTA FOR TAKING CARE OF ME!
My sister never gets to sit down, we were always running Madison around,
Unforunately with two of us needing wheelchair we did not get to go shopping like usual but Friday night Crystal and I got to go out a few hours to find my mom's mother's day present. I wanted to get my mom a diamond ring lucily we saw one in an ad that I liked so we took the Kohl's ad to Penys which had a better one. While at my sisters I learned to apprecite my mom and dad more so the ring was the right present to get her, my mom loves the ring
I could not play ball with Matthew which is extremely hard and sad for both of us, we do not bond as well now

to my family I thank and love you guys!