Saturday, March 20, 2010

Starting my blog again!

yes, i know... i am not a good blogger.. a year has almost past since my last post but has it been a year worth recording, but no one really read my blog b ut a few people have been asking or mentioned i am going to visit your blog!

i will start recording more, my goal would be a time or two a week, so check back every once in awhile.. you will get some updates or prayer requests from me about myself and my new friend Rob!

take care everyone!


Brooke said...

I read your blog! (and missed all of the updates)

jonniebug said...

I am new here Amber, but as our friendship flourishes I look forward to the inspiration and love that you show me in our one on one emails to be shared with the entire word. You are an inspiration and you fill me with hope, love and understanding. Understanding about illnesses that are made to steal God's glory from our lives. They will never take our love or commitment to a good, loving least not without a fight. Get to writing girlie....the world is waiting to hear what you have to say about it. My love to you friend. Jonnie Bug