Wednesday, February 9, 2011

where I've been!

so some of you might be wondering where my posts the last two weeks are and did not get my email or see any of mine or my family posts the last couple weeks

it went a little like this....

Saturday January 29th my dad woke me up and said "Jason *my oldest sisters husband or my brother in law* is in the hospital and needs surgery" my parents had already packed our bags by time they woke me up around 7am. Jason has been fighting Crohn's disease most of his life which is something where the intestine gets hard sores and causes pain *not sure really of the details of what it really is* anyhow we drove the long car ride to Newburgh Indiana to help with their three children. Jason was running a good temperature and they were not sure why so they gave him and antibiotic to see if it would help once it didn't help they figured it was probably related to the problem so they scheduled him to have surgery on Sunday January 30thto remove at least 6 inches of hard intestine as well as his gallbladder because he had a few gallstones,

surgery went ok but all of us at home got the sick running temps etc so none of us could go see Jason in the hospital and my sister could not come home to see her kids a few days which was killer on Matthew as well as my sister.

the girls ended up coming home with my parents and I so Crystal could get used to Jason's routine before she had to take care of all 4 of her family members and herself, Matthew didn't want to come here because he was really struggling with the changes around him he just kept wanting things to go back to normal.. the girls go back home tomorrow.. my parents are exhausted but know my sister needed the time. Jason has been progressing very well I think he can even pretty much take care of himself right now but he can't work or drive for like 3-5 more weeks.

I finally had my laser treatment today. my vision before was back to it's average post cornea transplant (20/70) and it's still going well post laser. I can see this post better than I could see the ones I posted two weeks ago so thank you to those who've sent positive thoughts and prayers my way lately.

my pain has been ok the last few days except right now this is killing me to type. so with that I am going to sign off and go rest

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