Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My MRI rresults

well i had an MRI last week.. just to see how tumors looked, I have still got good strength my onlu ptoblem is the pain managementm with the sun shinning today my pain has been better though. still there with it's annoying presence though. no change really with all my ttumors they did my brain this time since I've got a few brain tumors too.. i have got one on my sensory nerbe which is probably causing the pain in my face and left side of my neck as well as one or all of my tumors causing me to get dizzy at times.

it's not fun at all but I'm still strong physicallu for all the tumors Ido have so that is a blessing!!

it's not easy but things are ok for now i guess.

I hope I can get into a pain clinic this summer to try to find better pain vontrol medicines. I'm on two now I've been taking one of them more often. I've been taking about 6 pain pills a day to even dent the outcome some days, speaking of pain pillds it is time for one now!

I've got some Florida pictures to post on here from my three day trip to Orlando tro get my grandparents home. will post those soon.

please be praying and thinking about me and my damily, it is not easy for anby of us, my parentws have to take me to my doctors all the time and then we've got Noah a lot

Tomorrow is Noah's first birthday! i'm going to post tomorrow just to make a NOah page!!

take care all!

1 comment:

Jonnie said...


It sounds like you aren't feeling well. Have you ever tried a pain patch which delivers pain medicines through your skin? As a nurse, I felt that they took away the control of the patient, but as a patient it helped me to not have to think about dosage, or time or strength. Just change it every 3 days. It spared me that drugged up feeling and took away me trying to keep my pain controlled. It is better to keep your pain at a maintenance level because if it becomes out of control it is harder to treat. Also along with the medicines, I tried doing some diet related things and started practicing guided imagery. Some of the other cancer survivors that I know use acupuncture and massage. I haven't been able to do those things because they don't want you to while in treatment, but some swear by it. I also did a class of qigong earlier in my fight. It is like yoga, but for people like me who are unable to do yoga positions. It is slow body movements and practiced breathing. I am not at all saying not to take your medicines for pain. What I am saying is that sometimes these hokey pokey shaman ideas in conjunction with your meds work better. We have a little in common with the swallowing. They cut four major arteries in my neck and had to replace my carotid during surgery. Slowly everything went back to normal except a slight facial droop that unless you are looking for it you can't tell. I am hit and miss with foods too. Sometimes I can hold nothing down. Sometimes I eat everything that isn't nailed down. A lot of times I can eat things for awhile and then I can't eat them. I know a really good local dietitian who also has cancer. I would tell you what kinds of things to eat, ut I don't know enough about your illness to even suggest what you might eat to help you. For me it is protein. I don't absorb vit and minerals well at all and have to get shots. There is a fine line with me and the protein though because if I eat too much protein my kidneys slow up. My advice here are just things to think about to ask your doctor. Also, have you tried a TENS unit for pain control? As always I am praying that God's will for your life be fulfilled and that he grants you times of great peace where you can enjoy life. Your buddy Jonnie