Tuesday, July 5, 2011

MRI Neurosurgeon visit

well i got some good news for once! not going to schedule surgery quite yet!

I've got two locations that hurt pretty badly. the tumor at T2 and a tumor that is on T6-T8 the T6-8 is causing me more pain than the t2 tumor at this time. I've got a nasty ache pain all over my mid spine into my ribs and stomach and hip on the right aide of my body. He is going to get me into a pain management doctor hopefully soon. my next step will be trying an injection into my spine i believe that is to help with my pain levels. I had no damage from falling hard on my back a week ago nor had any new tumor growth visiable in the MRI but swelling does not show up in MRI'S!

We are all super relieved at this point i do not need surgery yet, but the doctor thinks i should do the surgery sooner rather than later. the concern with surgery is that my breathing will be so bad that I will have trouble getting off the breathing tube from surgery and end up needing a trachea with a vent and I don't want to live that way!

please keep praying that this little injection helps my pain it is becoming unbearable!

thanks everyone for praying and sending positive thoughts!

much love

1 comment:

Jonnie said...

I just loved those pics of you and your mom. Congrats on the weight loss. I have lost 20 lbs since restarting treatments. My back problems weren't as intense as yours, but I had the disc at L4/L5 removed and I was diagnosed with ddd a few years ago. They were going to fuse the spine. I lost weight. I saw Dr Ryan Llyod (HOTTIE!!!) at Arnett. The epidurals they gave me helped. Have you spoken to Pastor Craig about the epidural shots? I can't remember, but I think he did. Joy had back surgery too. I cant imagine the loss of a sense as hearing. That is not pity for you, it just means I don't know how I could handle it. Thank you for being an INSPIRATION to me, reminding me we all have crosses to carry and that it's okay to be sad, but don't stay sad long...because you are missing life. I think of you all the time. I always smile. Love ya sister - I'm praying. Jonnie