Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Eye Checkup

So all of you who follow my blog know today was eye doctor check up day stated in my last post. All looks great, no blood and my doctor is thrilled with how it all looks. My overall vision has remained the same but this was always up in the air if it would help my vision o take more of it.
I go back next week and if it still all the same (or no blood) I think we will start talking about the surgery, which is a cornea transplant and cataract removal surgery. Please keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

neurologist visit

I finally was able to get into my neurologist today. She thinks my sudden weaknesses are due to bendril which I was put on by a different doctor when I started getting severe itching from the methodone pain medicine. From my fall down the stairs I sprained my back and bruised my tailbone and those will just be a time thing.
Tomorrow is my eye check up, I think I have some new blood because my visi0n isn't as good as late last week and I also have "floaters" which are usually signs of blood but sometimes they are caused from my cataract, posotive thoughts will be much appreciated!
Hope everyone is having a good week!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello Everyone

Hello there,

Nothing new and exciting to write about, my life is pretty boring these days. My neck and tailbone are doing better but still hurt enough that all I do is sleep. I probably sleep 19 hours a day. My walking is a little better but not great, I've been advised to use a cane. My oldest sister and Jason and my babies will be here before we know it, you all know how I love my kids! Hopefully, I will learn how to post a few pictures. Heather and Josh will be going to New Jersey this year to be with Josh's family.
My web site should be up soon as well, I am looking forward to that but I hope I can keep it going and up to date! Everyone I hope you have a great week!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Laser Treameat update

It has now been almost threedays since I had the laser treatment on my left eye. Right after the treatment my doctor didn't even see a trace of blood bit I go back this coming Wednesday for a check up to see how it all looks now, my vision is definitely a lot clearer so I'm happy so far.
Since I fell on Monaay I have been unable to walk without help, my neurologist is out of the office this week so I went to see or family doctor today who just told me to go to Indy

Ar this time, we don't have many answers, or Even clues if my tumors have just had a rapid growth spurt or what.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


my week has started off 0n bad terms. I have been having trouble walking up and down the stairs lately and yesterday I was walking up the stairs and I was on the fifth step and lost my balance and grip to the railing and fell back words down the five stairs, landing on my tailbone and hitting my neck. I was OK at first but when we left the house I could not walk very well on my own power, so my doctor advised I go to the ER. We spent all afternoon there, I had my neck and tailbone X-rayed. Nothing is broken but I am in a lot of pain one the side of my neck that I landed on and i can't sit directly on my tailbone but thankfully my pain medicine usually helps.
Today is my laser treatment and I hope it's a better day! Not sure I will feel up to making a post about how it went
I hope everyone has a great day!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 3 of New Pain Medicine

I am not sure I like my new medicine because like every other strong drug I've taken it causes me to itch all over the place. It does seem to help control my pain as long as I take it every 8 hours. The first day I took it only every 12 hours and after 8 hours my pain was so bad I felt like I had been run over by a semi!

I started benadryl today to help with my uncontrollable itches, it made mefeel better but also a tad sleepy. The pain medicine itself does NOT make me feel sleepy, I actually have been sleeping a lot less since starting the drug.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Caling Santa

Call Santa Mommy! As always my two and a half year old nephew is always asking and doing funny stuff. The last two nights he's wanted my sister to call "Santa". So my sister does the only thing she can think of, call my dad and ask him to be Santa. My dad disguises his voice a little and will act as Santa and take Matthew's Christmas list. First night he asked for a baseball bat from the Dick's sporting good store but my dad told him "Santa" makes the toys. He was confused but called again the next night, his new and funny request was for some band aids!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Laser Treatment and new pain medcine

My first real post! I have finally been given the offical date and time for my laser treatment, it will be November 18, 2008 at 1:30. Those of you who pray for me, PLEASE PRAY IT WORKS!
I'm both excited and nervous, both in the area of if it will work. If it works, the blood will go away and I can then undergo a cornea/cararact surgery that would even be better for visual improvement!
I also started my new pain medicine and so far it seems to have the oppositw side affect my neurologist warned me about (making me sleepy) I definately feel more alert than normal so far! My pain also seems less but we will see how long it last compared to my old pain medicine that I took every 6 hours compared to the new one which is one every 12 hours. I will keep you all posted!


Welcome! I've decided to start a blog, the purpose of my blog is to keep everyone informed of my always changing life. I chose Amber's Life and Times as my title because this blog will definately be used as a way to keep the people who really want to know how I am doing informed and up to date. Check back reguarly as the events of my life changed rapidly!