Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Laser Treatment and new pain medcine

My first real post! I have finally been given the offical date and time for my laser treatment, it will be November 18, 2008 at 1:30. Those of you who pray for me, PLEASE PRAY IT WORKS!
I'm both excited and nervous, both in the area of if it will work. If it works, the blood will go away and I can then undergo a cornea/cararact surgery that would even be better for visual improvement!
I also started my new pain medicine and so far it seems to have the oppositw side affect my neurologist warned me about (making me sleepy) I definately feel more alert than normal so far! My pain also seems less but we will see how long it last compared to my old pain medicine that I took every 6 hours compared to the new one which is one every 12 hours. I will keep you all posted!

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