Tuesday, November 18, 2008


my week has started off 0n bad terms. I have been having trouble walking up and down the stairs lately and yesterday I was walking up the stairs and I was on the fifth step and lost my balance and grip to the railing and fell back words down the five stairs, landing on my tailbone and hitting my neck. I was OK at first but when we left the house I could not walk very well on my own power, so my doctor advised I go to the ER. We spent all afternoon there, I had my neck and tailbone X-rayed. Nothing is broken but I am in a lot of pain one the side of my neck that I landed on and i can't sit directly on my tailbone but thankfully my pain medicine usually helps.
Today is my laser treatment and I hope it's a better day! Not sure I will feel up to making a post about how it went
I hope everyone has a great day!

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