Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bahamas cruise

the cruise was so amazing! the weather could have been better and the waters warmer (The oceans were warmer than any pools i encountered) a lot of cloudy skies but the views were amazingly stunning!

the boat rides from the ship to the islands were really wonderful sight seeing times. the oceans in the Bahamas are so clear and blue that you can see in shallower parts all the way to the bottom of the water, see the fish etc.

my favorite part was the dolphin encounter where a group of us took turns with Andy and his trainer, we were standing on a plank and a bout ten of us at a time got about 30 minutes with Andy and we got to do various things like touch his back, belly, fins, and teeth (I was scared to do the teeth touching one and objected but the trainer told the dolphin and he shook his head yes that i needed to do it!) then we got a kiss on the cheek one on the mouth we danced and we got hugs i will post pictures soon i don't have them downloaded on this computer yet!!

since returning home though, my pain has been outrageous.. please be thinking and sending some prayers our way!

we don't know if I was just so excited about the trip that it made me not feel the pain as bad or if God knew i needed a break to get the surgery cancelled but i will be seeing a pain specialist within the next three months (it takes that long to get into him/her) hopefully there will be a better medicine to try.

Sorry to end it at this for now, time for pain medicine and it is downstairs!

take care all!

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