Wednesday, January 26, 2011

laser treatment

Hi everyone.. there are still billions of pictures but I'm not sure if I keep repeating ant.

My eye has been getting dry and over the Holiday's the eye doctors office I go to closes the week of Christmas and the week of New Year's we called the day it closed for the holidays and were told there was no one in who could see me.. my mom had noticed their was blood vessels leaking again but there was nothing we could do.. my vision has taken a hit again and I'm undergoing another laser treatment in the morning (January 27, 2011) there is no promises it will work or that it will not damage my eye or vision further. Please be thinking of me and my eye doctor tomorrow around 9am if you can, I'd appreciate it. I know I've been blessed the last year with improved eye sight and thankfully it's stayed well enough to see the closed caption most days and to read a kindle which is a huge blessing.. Pray the laser treatment does what God wants it to do, and pray it's not to damage my eye further!

thanks Amber and family... i probably won't be able to post tomorrow but hopefully soon,

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