Wednesday, May 18, 2011

health status of the week

so I've been having trouble with my vision the last couple months. My eye started bleeding again in early January, luckily I've only dealt with minor issues associated with it. I had another laser treatment that made it stop bleeding but I've still got a little blood left but it hasn't changed for the worse in awhile. The last month my eye has been going super cloudy and blurry like clock work at 7pm. I have been going to my cornea specialist still every one or two weeks for the last 5 years! I really like the doctor though so that helps!

Last week when I went I asked about my eye giving out, he thought maybe the cornea moves when I am tired or it just gives out for over use, but early last week I noticed if I put my pressure drop in earlier my eye didn't go bad so when I went last week to the eye doctor my pressure was REALLY high (35) my norm is around 18. For the last week I've been using different medicine to keep the blood from worsening and a pressure drop still and my eyesight hasn't given out in about 5 days!! my vision was better today too, i saw 20/60 with the naked eye no special shield that hasn't happened since about December! my pressure was better today but still high but it was lower that is the good point!

I've been feeling weary though. tired of being deaf, visually impaired and in pain please send us all some good positive vibes or prayers please.. it's hard to talk about it to those i love the most who want/need me here but I've been fighting now for over 16 years and the last 4 I've been in a ton of pain, deaf and visually impaired, before I lost my vision I could lip read at a 85% accuracy which made it seem like I wasn't deaf at times, I felt included in conversations for sure!

Im tired of people talking around me but no one letting me know enough to feel apart of the conversations.

Good news I got my laptop fixed today, should be able to post More now. I've been sharing the computer room with Noah and Megan where the crib is at and with my eye giving out at night I've not had much computer time,

I just might be boring that's all!

have a great evening everyone!


1 comment:

TerriV said...


I just can't imagine the pain you are in but I do and will continue to pray for you. You need to be
vocal to those that don't include
you in conversations letting them
know you want to know what is going
on. I know that sometimes I am guilty of forgeting that you are not hearing the conversation. See
you saturday.
Aunt Terri