Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a whole lot lighter!

So here is some good news on my week last week and a helping of some not so good news to0!

I've been walking almost daily since it's been warm enough too outside but prior to the nice weather I started wlking at the mall and at Target and wal mart instead of using my wheel chair to get around. after my trip to the Bahamas in Feb I was up to my highest weight ever and excperiencing some swallowing troubles. I had a swallowing culture done and it showed where I had my tumor in my esphagus like 10 years ago was now not shutting when I was done eating and my food was coming back up making it feel like everything I ate was stuck. After a few months of getting sick everyday. Four doctors kept mentioning all my thousands of problems would be better if I just lost weight! not an easy task when you don't exercise right?!

so in mid Feb my friend Josh started taking me to the mall to walk, everytime i went i walked a bit further. Once i started doing this, i just stopped using my wheel chair Id just walk holding o9nto someones arm or pushing a cart or something. I had more energy and kept getting more strength but I hadn't changed my eating habits yet so I still wasn't reeally losing weight. Josh then told me abour counting calories so I started doing that and I kept walking. Once the weather turned warmer outside I started walking everyday by myself, it felt good to do something all by myself for once!

last week when i weighed in I had hit the over 20 pounds lost mark!!

I was bad this past weekend but there is nothing this week that will habe a weigh in AND today I started counting my calories again and getting back on track!

my bad news is on Sunday during my walk my right side didn't feel right so I decided to cross the street to come home (I normally do not cross any streets i just turn around and walk the long way home) I mis timed my step onto the curb and flew forward from losing my balance. I scrapped up my knees pretty well and my right shoulder and my left arm *both surgwery spots) have not been feeling very well. please pray I didn't damage anything.. today is the first time I've typed on a computer and it's been a slow paindful process!

however, I've walked everyday! just not by myself!

hope everyone has a great day!

please be thinking on my neighbor Teresa Rohler whop needs to have surtery on her rotator cuff pm Monday, she'll be out of commissiopm up to 6 weeks!


TerriV said...

Congrats on the weight loss Amber!
I'm not doing very good, can't get
motivated like I did when I was in
weight watchers before. Walking makes me feel better also, but when
the humidity gets high I can't hardly stand to be outside. Keep
up the good work.
Aunt Terri

alice.scanlon said...

Amber, be so proud of yourself , you have lost twenty pounds, WONDERFUL !!....sure will be happy if I can do that.

Keep up the good work !!