Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the last few weeks for me!

hello to those who actually read my blog!

I'm going to do a medical update today.. when we had ice and snow.. it all happened when we got home from being in Newburgh to help with the kids AND also the day the girls went home after staying with us a week. My parents and I went to eat at Pizza hut for dinner that night and the walkway was not shoveled and my dad and I both fell onto the snow together, I just have to thank my dad for helping me go down gradually! just a small fall has put my pain on a rampage! but thankfully no more damage done than that!

In Newburgh I got a virus with a Temp of like 102.2 or something like that.. i couldn't eat and my esophagus started hurting ever since I've had trouble getting food to go down. i will be going to an upper GI doctor tomorrow to see if something has grown in there or my esophagus just needs stretched again... one good thing is I have lost 8lbs due to it!!!!! I have started to figure out what works.. guess I'll just have to become a vegetarian because I can't eat any kind of meat.

Toast and fruit has been my menu for the last 2.5 weeks.. potatoes do not work at all.. even chopped really small for some reason.

I've had some female issues too.. My periods are so irregular and i have some irregular light bleeding... my uterus is really thick due to not having enough periods so I was put on some medicine to help start my cycle again and another pill to keep it going.. A thick uterus can lead to uterus cancer but she didn't think I was in that situation at all which had me scared prior to her saying that because I know I'm not active and I've heard nuns get this problem!! LOL!

I hope everyone else is doing well who reads this!

I'm also not allowed to ever be put to sleep again due to my breathing being so bad so I'm not sure how they will work with whatever is wrong with my esophagus!

any positive thoughts and prayers are very welcomed!

have a good week everyone!


jonniebug said...

Hello Amber, Just stopping by to see what is up. Continue on with your blog, even if you don't think anyone is reading. These exercises will help you process your illness. writing has been a great tool for me. I am not able to read every day, but i do come here to catch-up. I told a friend that I wished I knew sign language better. I bent down and whispered in your ear at Craig and Joy's house that you bless me. I stupidly forgot in that moment that you could hear me, but God did. There is a saying about dance as if no one was watching. I encourage you to write as if no one is reading. Know that I am here. Love Jonnie

jonniebug said...

Also Amber, this will be a gift for others one day. When I have writers block or just don't want to talk the cancer talk...I will pick a subject at random and write about it. Like: My favorite vacation was... So and so is my inspiration because... The word angry means...to me. Sometimes I write down song lyrics that mean something to me. Write about God...whatever you want Sweets. See you soon. me

Toyin O. said...

Praying for you about all your issues:)